Soberland 2024 - Safe SPACE in CREATION


Soberland is the safest, most teetotalling, trip-free, fruit-juice-friendly spot at AfrikaBurn. It is a space where burners who are in recovery or just want to experience the Burn without any substances muddying their perceptions. It's a place where you won't find any alcohol or cannabis, but you'll find new friends.

The camp, started by Bumblebee, has grown and shrunk depending on the year's needs. Under the leadership of Nokubonga, the camp is now ready to level up. They want to jump-start a movement in sobriety on the Binnekring and offer more spaces of sober satisfaction in and around our city. Thus, since it seems very uncommon in our community these days, we're running a fundraiser.

Whether you're from Burning Man or Nest or Playa Del Fuego - you'll recognise the importance of a space for people who've gone too far, spent one too many nights in the Sanctuary, and find themselves wanting to be a part of a community that doesn't make life very easy for them. This is your opportunity to make their lives a little easier and to help make our Binnekring a more inclusive and safe space.

Donate to Soberland's 2024 Camp, and help create this space with us - help Bongi and her team of Sobernaughts create @ CREATION.

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Refund policy No refunds


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